Irrigation Control Pumps are considered the heart of every irrigation; without them, it becomes challenging to make this system efficient. They could be used for many aesthetic reasons, such as making sure that a patch of grass stays healthy, or could be used on a farm to deliver water to crops.

They play an essential role in providing optimized solutions for water and energy use. To make an irrigation system efficient, one must select a pump that could match the requirements of the water source, equipment, and water distribution system.

Pumps to control irrigation could be powered by numerous sources; some of the pumps are powered by electricity while others are powered by fuel sources. Electricity-powered pumps offer more convenience of constant energy source as long as the service is available. While for some remote areas, fuel sources like diesel, gasoline, or propane may be the only option.

A good controlling pump can be achieved by two types of pump controls: open-loop and closed-loop systems. An open-loop system, also called a non-feedback system, does not include feedback. The operators determine the amount and timings of giving water to crops. Just like a simple irrigation system, an open-loop system can be operated with a system clock. For example, for flushing at the present time, significant rainfall can unpredictably change the soil moisture, making it difficult to schedule the watering system.

On the other side, a close loop system offers many benefits. Automating technique of watering that provides feedback can prevent chemical leaching and also reduces the cost of pumping by providing the water only when the crop needs it. Controlling the pumping system is GSM supported and can be easily operated through mobile phones.


irrigation control pump

Technology and pumping:

Agriculture techniques are changing rapidly, and farmers cannot lie on those past practices and technology. To keep their productivity high, they must focus on profitability, which includes energy optimization and better use of water resources.

Today’s pump systems are not only about the pumps; variable speed drive, remote management, and intelligent control are all necessary components in an irrigation system. However, our control pumps are suitable for various applications and purposes. They all are made with modular design and adaptations to customer-specific solutions. Convenience, time-saving, and operational reliability are among the most important arguments in favor of installation

Fault message via GMS

Irrigation equipment malfunction is a very common risk that farmers and vegetable growers face. If their leakages are not noticed, the crop could be damaged due to uneven irrigation or even not being irrigated at all. That’s why malfunction detection is highly useful as it assures operational reliability by making it possible for you to detect the leakage so you can repair it immediately. Moreover, it also reduces the time-consuming manual checks of irrigation to a minimum. GMC connection proves very convenient as it could make you aware of any damage by sending you a direct message on your mobile phone.

Sensors for irrigation

Irrigation equipment malfunction is a very common risk that farmers and vegetable growers face. If their leakages are not noticed, the crop could be damaged due to uneven irrigation or even not being irrigated at all. That’s why malfunction detection is highly useful as it assures operational reliability by making it possible for you to detect the leakage so you can repair it immediately. Moreover, it also reduces the time-consuming manual checks of irrigation to a minimum. GMC connection proves very convenient as it could make you aware of any damage by sending you a direct message on your mobile phone.

Control and monitoring

Irrigation equipment malfunction is a very common risk that farmers and vegetable growers face. If their leakages are not noticed, the crop could be damaged due to uneven irrigation or even not being irrigated at all. That’s why malfunction detection is highly useful as it assures operational reliability by making it possible for you to detect the leakage so you can repair it immediately. Moreover, it also reduces the time-consuming manual checks of irrigation to a minimum. GMC connection proves very convenient as it could make you aware of any damage by sending you a direct message on your mobile phone.

Alawai's Pump system:

In conclusion, it can be seen that good irrigation control pumps can minimize the amount of work required, reduce energy costs, and ensure that plants are provided with sufficient water as needed. To make it possible, solutions with individually developed software are required. However, at Alawai, we specialize in this and can provide you with a complete solution for irrigation control.

After a detailed consultation, development, and planning, you will receive a ready-to-use pump system from us that you can use conveniently. For whatever purpose you need a pump, contact us and let us know about your pumping needs.